Titled “Travel Aggregator”, this eye-catching e-magazine is produced in-house by WebBeds Asia Pacific’s team of travel experts, especially for our travel trade partners and clients. It includes our news and developments, plus exciting offers from our partners, a selection of the hottest hotel deals, and much more.
This edition of our Travel Aggregator features some top escapes for the Lunar New Year. Also, find out Asia Pacific’s hidden gems from WebBeds’ very own team of executives. In the brand new year, be inspired by timeless travel quotes and start planning for your next travel destinations.
Plus, find out how The Fullerton Hotel Singapore has sucessfully embraced the concept of corporate social responsibility and win exclusive Fullerton bears when you take part in a simple quiz.
If you’d like to sign-up for Travel Aggregator, or even be featured in the next issue, please email Travel.Aggregator@fitruums.com. Alternatively, for more information about marketing partnerships with WebBeds Asia Pacific, please email marketing@fitruums.com.